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Drone Technology

Is Drone Technology the Future?

Drones have become increasingly popular in recent years. Many companies use them to create amazing videos, but the truth is that drones were originally designed to spy on people.

Wireless Electricity for Futuristic Devices - witricity

Wireless Electricity for Futuristic Devices

Recent technological developments have led to wireless, including wireless electricity. A new term for wireless electricity is WiTricity. WiTricity itself is electrical energy that is transferred without using a cable as a transmission medium.

Internet of Things - IoT PPT

IoT and Its Utilization in Our Daily Life

Internet of Things, which is usually abbreviated as IoT, can be described as internet for everything. Everything here literally means everything, so that to put it simple, IoT is an internet technology that is used for every aspect in this life, especially works that are usually done manually with human labors.

what is cryptocurrency ppt

What is Cryptocurrency and how does it work?

We are living in a digital world where everything is heading towards pure digitalization. i.e. Most of our works are becoming paperless. Even money transfer and investments are paperless. One of such digital payment sector is cryptocurrency.

magnetic levitation in trains

What is Magnetic Levitation?

Magnetic levitation is a method where magnetic fields are used to suspend an object. It is also know as magnetic suspension. Magnetic force is used to prevent the effects of gravitational force or any other accelerations.

Introduction to piezoelectric roads

Energy Harvesting From Piezoelectric Roads

Piezoelectric material in form of piezoelectric devices is used in the application of making piezoelectric roads. When a vehicle travels in a road, the wheels exert a force into the piezoelectric device and so the deformation in the material takes place.

What is 5G technology

What is 5G Technology and How it works?

5G is designed to connect virtually in high data speed, with high reliability and low latency. 5G is a unified platform than 4G. 5G can deliver up to 20 Gigabits-per-second (Gbps) peak data rates and 100+ Megabits-per-second (Mbps) average data rates.

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