Difference between In situ and Ex situ conservation
In situ conservation means protecting endangered animal species in its natural habitat. Ex situ conservation means protecting an endangered species outside its natural habitat.
In situ conservation means protecting endangered animal species in its natural habitat. Ex situ conservation means protecting an endangered species outside its natural habitat.
Ethnography is a study or process of knowing about particular human society of a region. The word Ethnography comes from Greek words, Which means writing(s) about people.
Top 20 global environmental problems are interconnected with humans life are Climate Change, Air Pollution, Global warming, Biodiversity loss, Deforestation
Face mask has became a symbol of protection against Covid-19. Mask helps the wearer to help slow the spread of virus to others. Mask filters large particles found in air. It is helpful to protect others by reducing exposure of droplets or spray of saliva and respiratory secretions through mouth and nose while talking, sneezing or coughing.
Rainwater Harvesting is a technique used to collect rainwater from roofs & above surfaces of the buildings and store it for later use. Rainwater harvesting is collecting, storing, filtering & purifying of rainwater for future.